Archive for julio 2011

Mons. Pedro Meurice, insigne patriota de Santiago de Cuba.

29 julio, 2011

Comunicado de la Conferencia de Obispos Católicos de Cuba

El jueves 21 del presente mes de julio recibíamos la triste noticia del fallecimiento del querido Arzobispo Emérito de Santiago de Cuba, Monseñor Pedro Meurice Estíu, en el hospital Mercy de Miami, donde era sometido a tratamientos especiales para contrarrestar una penosa enfermedad. Nuestro hermano deseó expresamente ser inhumado en Cuba en caso de morir fuera de la Patria.

Los obispos de Cuba podemos comunicar ya a nuestros fieles, y a nuestro pueblo en general, que los funerales de Mons. Pedro Meurice tendrán lugar en la Catedral Metropolitana de Santiago de Cuba el próximo domingo 31 de julio en horas de la mañana y su sepelio se efectuará inmediatamente después de esta ceremonia.

Pedimos a todos los fieles católicos cubanos se unan este domingo en las misas de todas nuestras iglesias y capillas a la ofrenda de la Solemne Eucaristía que concelebraremos en esa mañana en la Catedral Santiaguera todos los obispos de Cuba en sufragio por nuestro querido hermano, para que el Señor le conceda el lugar reservado a quienes lo aman y sirven.

Con afecto los bendice,

Cardenal Jaime Ortega Alamino
Arzobispo de La Habana.
Vicepresidente de la Conferencia de Obispos Católicos de Cuba
La Habana, 25 de julio de 2011.

Book on Alicia Alonso to Be Launched in Cuba.

20 julio, 2011

Ismael Cala (CNN Spanish) with Alicia Alonso during two hours interview..

Havana, Cuba, Jul 2.- The essay «Una luz distinta y más alta,» (A Different, Higher Light) by Cuban author Juan Marinello, dedicated to Alicia Alonso, will be launched on July 7 at the Juan Marinello Center, in Havana.

First published in an autonomous edition by Cuba’s Juan Marinello Cultural Research Institute, this work is considered of extraordinary value for ballet-loving people and the prima ballerina assoluta’s followers.

Written in 1972 for Granma newspaper, on occasion of Alonso’s success as a ballerina and choreographer at the Paris Opera, the essay was later reproduced by Cuba en el Ballet magazine.

The new edition by Anette Jimenez Marata is based on the typed original, revised and with hand-written indications by the author himself.

The design and selection of illustrations was made by Ricardo Reymena, based on the work Cancion para la Extrana Flor (Song to an Odd Flower) by Cuban painter Mariano Rodriguez, a piece inspired by Alicia Alonso now included in the Collection of Cuba’s National Museum of Dance. (Prensa Latina).

Philosophy and technology in university education.

18 julio, 2011

From Technologist to Philosopher

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Brian Taylor for The Chronicle

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Brian Taylor for The Chronicle

By Damon Horowitz

How does someone become a technologist?

In my case, it happened in college. I was an undergraduate at Columbia University, reading and discussing what were once unrepentantly called «the classics.» I really wanted to understand what the great thinkers thought about the great questions of life, the human condition, the whole metaphysical stew. And the problem was: We didn’t seem to be making much progress.

The great questions of philosophy have a way of defying easy resolution. Confronting them, we all seemed like such feeble thinkers—students and teachers and dead white males alike. We make mistakes, we are prone to inconsistencies, we equivocate. This was very frustrating to an impatient undergraduate.

Happily, in my case, fate intervened—in the form of my mother telling me, in no uncertain terms, that I should take a computer-science class, because if all else failed, then I could get a job at the phone company.

So in my sophomore year I learned to program a computer. And that was an intoxicating experience.

When you learn to program a computer, you acquire a superpower: the ability to make an inanimate object follow your command. If you have a vision, and you can articulate it in code, you can make it real, summon it forth on your machine. And once you’ve built a few small systems that do clever tasks—like recognizing handwriting, or summarizing a news article—then you think perhaps you could build a system that could do any task. That is, of course, the holy grail of artificial intelligence, «AI.»

To a young undergraduate, frustrated with the lack of rapid progress on tough philosophical questions, AI seemed like the great hope, the panacea—the escape from the frustrations of thinking. If we human beings are such feeble thinkers, perhaps philosophy is best not left to human beings. We could instead just build better thinkers—artificially intelligent machines—and they could answer our questions for us.

Thus I became a technologist. I earned my first graduate degree at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology, then went on to build several start-up companies around my specialization, a branch of AI called «natural language processing,» or, more simply, «getting computers to understand what we are talking about.»

It’s fun being a technologist. In our Internet-enabled era, it is easy for technologists to parlay creative power into societal power: We build systems that ease the transactions of everyday life, and earn social validation that we are «making the world a better place.» Within a few years I had achieved more worldly success than previous generations could have imagined. I had a high-paying technology job, I was doing cutting-edge AI work, and I was living the technotopian good life.

But there was a problem. Over time, it became increasingly hard to ignore the fact that the artificial intelligence systems I was building were not actually that intelligent. They could perform well on specific tasks; but they were unable to function when anything changed in their environment. I realized that, while I had set out in AI to build a better thinker, all I had really done was to create a bunch of clever toys—toys that were certainly not up to the task of being our intellectual surrogates.

And it became clear that the limitations of our AI systems would not be eliminated through incremental improvements. We were not, and are not, on the brink of a breakthrough that could produce systems approaching the level of human intelligence.

I wanted to better understand what it was about how we were defining intelligence that was leading us astray: What were we failing to understand about the nature of thought in our attempts to build thinking machines?

And, slowly, I realized that the questions I was asking were philosophical questions—about the nature of thought, the structure of language, the grounds of meaning. So if I really hoped to make major progress in AI, the best place to do this wouldn’t be another AI lab. If I really wanted to build a better thinker, I should go study philosophy.

Thus, about a decade ago, I quit my technology job to get a Ph.D. in philosophy. And that was one of the best decisions I ever made.

When I started graduate school, I didn’t have a clue exactly how the humanities investigated the subjects I was interested in. I was not aware that there existed distinct branches of analytic and continental philosophy, which took radically different approaches to exploring thought and language; or that there was a discipline of rhetoric, or hermeneutics, or literary theory, where thinkers explore different aspects of how we create meaning and make sense of our world.

As I learned about those things, I realized just how limited my technologist view of thought and language was. I learned how the quantifiable, individualistic, ahistorical—that is, computational—view I had of cognition failed to account for whole expanses of cognitive experience (including, say, most of Shakespeare). I learned how pragmatist and contextualist perspectives better reflect the diversity and flexibility of our linguistic practices than do formal language models. I learned how to recognize social influences on inquiry itself—to see the inherited methodologies of science, the implicit power relations expressed in writing—and how those shape our knowledge.

Most striking, I learned that there were historical precedents for exactly the sort of logical oversimplifications that characterized my AI work. Indeed, there were even precedents for my motivation in embarking on such work in the first place. I found those precedents in episodes ranging from ancient times—Plato’s fascination with math-like forms as a source of timeless truth—to the 20th century—the Logical Positivists and their quest to create unambiguous language to express sure foundations for all knowledge. They, too, had an uncritical notion of progress; and they, too, struggled in their attempts to formally quantify human concepts that I now see as inextricably bound up with human concerns and practices.

In learning the limits of my technologist worldview, I didn’t just get a few handy ideas about how to build better AI systems. My studies opened up a new outlook on the world. I would unapologetically characterize it as a personal intellectual transformation: a renewed appreciation for the elements of life that are not scientifically understood or technologically engineered.

In other words: I became a humanist.

And having a more humanistic sensibility has made me a much better technologist than I was before. I no longer see the world through the eyes of a machine—through the filter of what we are capable of reducing to its logical foundations. I am more aware of how the products we build shape the culture we are in. I am more attuned to the ethical implications of our decisions. And I no longer assume that machines can solve all of our problems for us. The task of thinking is still ours.

For example, at my most recent technology start-up company (called Aardvark), we took a totally new approach to the problem of search. We created what we called a social search engine. When you have a question, we connect you to another person who can give you a live answer. That arose from thinking about the human needs that people have when asking questions. Instead of defining a query as an information-retrieval problem, and returning a list of Web pages, we treat it as an invitation to a human engagement. That humanist approach is largely responsible for Aardvark’s success with users—and for Google’s decision to acquire the company last year, to explore how this perspective might inform other traditional business problems.

So why should you leave your technology job and get a humanities Ph.D.?

Maybe you, too, are disposed toward critical thinking. Maybe, despite the comfort and security that your job offers, you, too, have noticed cracks in the technotopian bubble.

Maybe you are worn out by endless marketing platitudes about the endless benefits of your products; and you’re not entirely at ease with your contribution to the broader culture industry.

Maybe you are unsatisfied by oversimplifications in the product itself. What exactly is the relationship created by «friending» someone online? How can your online profile capture the full glory of your performance of self?

Maybe you are cautious about the impact of technology. You are startled that our social-entertainment Web sites are playing crucial roles in global revolutions. You wonder whether those new tools, like any weapons, can be used for evil as well as good, and you are reluctant to engage in the cultural imperialism that distribution of a technology arguably entails.

If you have ever wondered about any of those topics, and sensed that there was more to the story, you are on to something. Any of the topics could be the subject of a humanities dissertation—your humanities dissertation.

The technology issues facing us today—issues of identity, communication, privacy, regulation—require a humanistic perspective if we are to deal with them adequately. If you actually care about one of those topics—if you want to do something more serious about it than swap idle opinions over dinner—you can. And, I would venture, you must. Who else is going to take responsibility for getting it right?

I see a humanities degree as nothing less than a rite of passage to intellectual adulthood. A way of evolving from a sophomoric wonderer and critic into a rounded, open, and engaged intellectual citizen. When you are no longer engaged only in optimizing your products—and you let go of the technotopian view—your world becomes larger, richer, more mysterious, more inviting. More human.

Even if you are moved by my unguarded rhapsodizing here, no doubt you are also thinking, «How am I going to pay for this?!» You imagine, for a moment, the prospect of spending half a decade in the library, and you can’t help but calculate the cost (and «opportunity cost») of this adventure.

But do you really value your mortgage more than the life of the mind? What is the point of a comfortable living if you don’t know what the humanities have taught us about living well? If you already have a job in the technology industry, you are already significantly more wealthy than the vast majority of our planet’s population. You already have enough.

If you are worried about your career, I must tell you that getting a humanities Ph.D. is not only not a danger to your employability, it is quite the opposite. I believe there no surer path to leaping dramatically forward in your career than to earn a Ph.D. in the humanities. Because the thought leaders in our industry are not the ones who plodded dully, step by step, up the career ladder. The leaders are the ones who took chances and developed unique perspectives.

Getting a humanities Ph.D. is the most deterministic path you can find to becoming exceptional in the industry. It is no longer just engineers who dominate our technology leadership, because it is no longer the case that computers are so mysterious that only engineers can understand what they are capable of. There is an industrywide shift toward more «product thinking» in leadership—leaders who understand the social and cultural contexts in which our technologies are deployed.

Products must appeal to human beings, and a rigorously cultivated humanistic sensibility is a valued asset for this challenge. That is perhaps why a technology leader of the highest status—Steve Jobs—recently credited an appreciation for the liberal arts as key to his company’s tremendous success with their various i-gadgets.

It is a convenient truth: You go into the humanities to pursue your intellectual passion; and it just so happens, as a by-product, that you emerge as a desired commodity for industry. Such is the halo of human flourishing.

Damon Horowitz is currently in-house philosopher at Google. This essay is an excerpt of a keynote address he gave in the spring at the BiblioTech conference at Stanford University.


If we want to develop a competitive level of interdisciplinary studies in American universities a reform in teaching from train students in the philosophy of language in Paideia is needed because is the basis of mathematical thinking, and this conference illustrates masterfully the problem, but at the same time shows a contradiction in American society today because the industry is not involved in these efforts, nor really care… For months, the Mayor of Sarasota, Florida asked Google for technology support for Mote Marine Lab (got into a pool surrounded by sharks) and has not received any response from Google so far, at least if they have such awareness, should take the lead in the real life.Gualterio Nunez Estrada Sarasota Florida private colaborator for Sarasota, Florida to a report on science education from the NSF to the Senate and the President.


Chavez, el caribe y la estabilidad regional.

17 julio, 2011

Simon Bolivar

Ahora que el Presidente Chavez esta enfermo de cancer salen a relucir los factores de inestabilidad en el area caribe que pudieran provocar problemas politicos y sociales para los propios Estados Unidos de America si se da el caso de que  Venezuela varie la coyuntura politica bolivariana en ausencia del mandatario venezolano.Precisamente, los enemigos de Chavez en los circulos de poder de paises ricos, ahora estan nerviosos y rezan por su salud, segun el articulo que presentamos a continuacion.Gualterio Nunez Estrada, Sarasota, Florida, 34232.
The view from Europe

By David Jessop

Story Created: Jul 16, 2011 at 11:44 PM ECT

(Story Updated: Jul 16, 2011 at 11:44 PM ECT )

For years, many in the US and Europe have been wishing that Venezuela’s mercurial President, Hugo Chávez, would depart and a more pro-western leader take his place. But now, paradoxically, some of his harshest critics appear to be having second thoughts as the possible regional implications of his illness become apparent.

The Venezuelan President’s confirmation on television on June 30 that he has been diagnosed with cancer has focussed minds on just what it would mean should the special arrangements for energy supply that he personally has championed across the Caribbean Basin for any reason have to be modified or come to an end.

Although the prognosis for President Chávez’s cancer—revealed following his recent extended stay in Cuba where he underwent surgery and other forms of treatment—there are persistent but impossible to confirm reports that his medical problem may be subject to metastasis.

Irrespective, what is not in doubt is that during President Chávez’s tenure in office, Venezuela has become of huge economic and social significance to almost all of the nations of the Caribbean, where the PetroCaribe arrangement underwrites the stability of most economies.

The PetroCaribe arrangement was created in 2005. Its members are Antigua, the, Bahamas, Belize, Cuba, Dominica, Grenada, Guatemala, Guyana, Haiti, Honduras, Jamaica, Nicaragua, Dominican Republic, St Kitts, St Vincent and, St Lucia, and Suriname and Venezuela .

The scheme works on the basis that nations receive Venezuelan oil on concessionary terms on a scale that adjusts depending on the world market price of oil. This means that now that oil is above US$100 per barrel, PetroCaribe member nations pay just 60 per cent of the cost over a period of 25 years at an interest rate of one per cent on deferred terms. The arrangement operates in such a way that member countries are allowed to retain a part of their payment so governments can use the programme for balance of payment purposes and budgetary support or to deliver an agreed range of development programmes.

The scheme has been extended to incorporate oil exploration, distribution and storage. More recently, in mid June in Venezuela’s Isla Margarita, discussions took place on the creation of a development fund, the establishment of joint ventures between members, creating a trade in agrochemicals and petrochemicals, and developing regional gas supply.

Under the PetroCaribe arrangement PetroCaribe members have received in total, oil on preferential terms at the rate of between 120,000 and 140,000 barrels per day (bpd) over the past three years. The largest share of this has been allocated to Jamaica (21,000 bpd) and the Dominican Republic (50,000 bpd) while Cuba, separately, receives somewhere between 64,000 and around 100,000 bpd under a more complex arrangement. According to the Vice President of Refining, Trade and Supply of Petroleos de Venezuela (PDVSA ), Asdrubal Chávez, the overall arrangement this year involves the supply of 200,000 bpd.

Less positively, the programme has increased the region’s long-term indebtedness with Caracas projecting that over one third of the Caribbean’s external debt by 2015 will be owed to Venezuela .

The country potentially most at risk from any change in the arrangement is Cuba where Venezuela supplies more than two thirds of the country’s oil needs, and has a trade relationship that results in a net gain to Cuba, some suggest, of around US$ 3,500m in 2010. So seriously is this taken in Havana and despite the special relationship that exists between Cuba and Venezuela, Cuba has been working for some time now to diversify its energy relationships. Despite this it is suggested that it will still be another five years before this can be achieved.

Haiti too is critically reliant on PetroCaribe despite US attempts to undermine the arrangement. Venezuela has pledged to provide for the fuel needs of the Haitian people without cost and has allocated US$120m to aid the reconstruction of industry, agriculture and social services. President Chávez also forgave Haiti’s debt, estimated by the IMF to be US$295m.

In the case of the Dominican Republic its debt with Venezuela totals US$2.02 billion which it is repaying through the provision of commodities and tourism services. Reports suggest that Jamaica too will now service its debt through trade in cement as well as making cash payments.

Despite criticism from those outside the Caribbean who do not like the implied political leverage the programme gives to Caracas, no other nation at this time has the political will to provide this level of support to Caribbean states. So much so that the US in particular is now faced with the paradox of needing Caracas’ continuing commitment to maintaining PetroCaribe’s programmes in the region if it is to have any guarantee of economic and social stability in the region.

Having said this, there is a need for much greater realism about the arrangement. Nations within the region and beyond are only now asking themselves serious questions about what happens if Venezuela finds itself having to increase prices, reduce supply or at worst change or even end the arrangement.

The strong probability is that whatever happens in forthcoming Presidential elections, the National Assembly will remain under the control of Venezuela’s governing PSUV, which will continue to pursue President Chávez’s populist domestic policies. However, some independent analysts suggest that PetroCaribe could still under certain circumstances be subject to change as it has limited support within the governing party, the National Assembly, PDVSA and the military.

No one should be in any doubt about the critical importance of Venezuela’s PetroCaribe programme. If it were not for the energy lifeline that it has provided to every Caribbean nation other than Trinidad and Barbados, much of the region would by now be in economic free fall.

David Jessop is the Director of the Caribbean Council and can be contacted at

Previous columns can be found at

15 julio, 2011

NUJ – Pictures from the BBC picket lines

15 julio, 2011

NUJ – Pictures from the BBC picket lines.

BBC journalists on strike over redundancies row.

15 julio, 2011

Support ‘solid’ as BBC journalists hold 24-hour strike for jobs

Thousands of BBC journalists have held a 24-hour strike against compulsory redundancies, and the NUJ is accusing the corporation’s top management of wilfully avoiding talks to avoid the stoppage. A further strike is due on July 29.&

Programmes were cancelled across the BBC networks, including the prestigious Newsnight and Any Questions, with many guests and interviewees refusing to participate in recordings. Regular output was  severely disrupted by the strike on July 15 and one radio service even re-broadcast news bulletins from the previous day.

Radio 4’s flagship World at OnePM  and  The World Tonight were off air and the Today programme was broadcast an hour late, while the BBC1 Breakfast show was replaced by a feed from the BBC News channel. Most of the BBC’s best-known radio and television journalists joined their colleagues on strike. «Management has had to draft in some ambitious, but uncomfortable, third division replacements who foolishly believe that undermining their colleagues will help their careers,» commented one striker.
BBC journalists reported: Members on strike across the UK from Ipswich to Derry and down to Jersey. Massive support in Scotland and Wales. Solidarity from Unison, Unite and PCS in Cambridge; CWU, Unison and PCS in Coventry, and elsewhere.»  


There was also support from unions and trades councils in many other centres, including national messages of support from PCS, Bakers Food and Allied Workers Union, Transport Salaried Staffs Association and Prison Officers AssociationMPs also expressed support for the union’s action
International Federation of Journalists’ president Jim Boumelha declared: “The massive support for today’s strike shows the journalists’ understandable frustration at the management appalling behaviour. There is simply no basis for the BBC’s refusal to engage with journalists’ representatives in resolving this dispute and saving jobs. This attitude is not acceptable and we fully support our colleagues’ action.” 
Distinguished film-maker Ken Loach told the NUJ: «I have refused to appear on Radio Bristol today to promote a showing of the film Hidden Agenda tonight at Bath City FC. The NUJ is absolutely right to fight compulsory redundancies at the BBC. And the bottom line is: never cross a picket line.»
Tony Benn and MPs John McDonnell, Dave Anderson, Keith Vaz, Kelvin Hopkins and Katy Clark were among those who gave NUJ pickets their full support.
BBC Bush House Rally
John McDonnell MP (back row, third from right) was among speakers at a BBC Bush House strike rally


Reports from NUJ picket lines across the UK showed that the strike was solid, with notable stoppages in Manchester, Newcastle, Hull, Birmingham, Leicester, Coventry, Cardiff, Bristol, Southampton, Derry and Belfast. 

NUJ General Secretary Michelle Stanistreet joined the picket line at BBC Television Centre, London W12, at midnight on Thursday July 14 as journalists walked out to begin their industrial action. NUJ members at BBC national, regional and local centres across the UK joined the 24-hour stoppage. 
Michelle Stanistreet joins dawn London pickets
The general secretary (right)  joined  NUJ early morning NUJ London pickets  — picture Jess Hurd
At BBC offices and centres throughout the UK journalists mounted pickets, and they reported enthusiastic support from the public for the union campaign against compulsory redundancies.
Murdoch Rodgers has a topical message In Glasgow Panorama investigative journalist Murdoch Rodgers had a topical message when he joined his NUJ colleagues on the picket line.
Meanwhile production of a Panorama special programme on Rupert Murdoch was reported to have been disrupted by the strike.
NUJ General Secretary Michelle Stanistreet said: “Union representatives have tried hard to resolve this serious dispute through negotiation. We have even agreed to use the ACAS conciliation service to try to find a way forward. But BBC senior management has shown no real interest in negotiations. It is hard to avoid the conclusion that BBC management wanted thousands of its journalists to go on strike tomorrow, rather than settle the dispute. 
“If that is the case it confirms our members’ worst fears about the management strategy of introducing compulsory redundancy at the BBC. The massive vote for strike action by journalists across the BBC reflected their fear for the future as well as their solidarity with colleagues already being targeted and singled out for the sack. 
“Management indifference to settling our dispute suggests that our members’ concern that many more redundancies are planned is fully justified.
“We offered to meet the BBC, and asked management to extend the leaving dates of those individuals immediately affected by redundancy in order to allow the talks to take place. Management refused. We also offered to meet with the BBC at ACAS today. Management refused. 
 “By the deliberate BBC decision to provoke this strike action, journalists will lose a day’s pay and audiences suffer for a dispute that is so easily avoidable. The BBC stance looks stubborn and provocative. It seems commonsense has been replaced by obstinacy. 

 “The BBC is a crucial public service yet BBC management has clearly set its face against the negotiation process and is prepared to push through these unfair cuts at the expense of staff, and without caring about the impact upon millions of listeners and viewers.  We have given the BBC five simple ways to stop the strike, all of which have been refused: 

  • Extend the leaving dates of those immediately at risk to allow for further talks
  • Agree to release volunteers
  • Cut the red tape when it comes to redeployment and make it happen
  • Use vacant posts to offset the costs of employing those at risk
  • Apply fairness across the BBC and treat people the same – wherever they work
 “These cuts and job losses have been brought about directly by a decision to freeze the licence fee for the next six years. This was a shabby deal done by BBC management and the government behind closed doors last Autumn, with no democratic scrutiny or transparent discussion. We know Rupert Murdoch and News International executives were exerting huge influence on key government figures.  
«The hastily reached deal marked a watershed in the Corporation’s history and has led to the axing of vital language services at the BBC World Service and the imposition of 20 per cent spending cuts across the BBC.  It is vital that the dodgy licence fee deal should now be re-examined as a matter of urgency in light of recent developments. The deal should be undone and there should be the proper transparent and open debate with staff and stakeholders about the future funding of the BBC that was called for – and ignored by the government – at the time.    
“The BBC, as a public sector broadcaster, has an obligation to the public to accept its share of responsibility to resolve a dispute which it has created and to act responsibly to seek a resolution.”




15 July 2011 Last updated at 20:00 ET

Journalists at the BBC have taken part in a 24-hour strike in a row over compulsory redundancies.

Members of the National Union of Journalists (NUJ) voted for industrial action last month because a number of World Service journalists are facing compulsory redundancy.

The NUJ said the strike had been «solidly supported». A further strike is scheduled for 29 July.

A BBC spokesman said disruption had been less than expected.

Viewers and listeners saw some changes to BBC output on Friday morning as a result of the strike.

Radio 4’s Today programme began at 0700 BST – an hour later than normal.

On Radio 5 Live, meanwhile, regular Breakfast hosts Nicky Campbell and Rachel Burden were replaced by Ian Payne and Julia Bradbury.

Job losses

A number of people working in the World Service and BBC Monitoring are facing compulsory redundancy this summer, the NUJ said.

General secretary Michelle Stanistreet said union representatives had «tried hard» to resolve the dispute through negotiation.

«We have even agreed to use the Acas conciliation service to try to find a way forward, but BBC senior management has shown no real interest in negotiations.

«It is hard to avoid the conclusion that BBC management wants thousands of its journalists to go on strike rather than settle the dispute.

«If that is the case, it confirms our members’ worst fears about the management strategy of introducing compulsory redundancy at the BBC,» she said.

«By the deliberate BBC decision to provoke this strike action, journalists will lose a day’s pay and audiences will suffer for a dispute that is so easily avoidable. The BBC stance looks stubborn and provocative.»

The BBC said it would continue with its efforts to reduce the need for compulsory redundancies.

«Industrial action will not alter the fact that the BBC is faced with a number of potential compulsory redundancies, following significant cuts to the central government grants that support the World Service and BBC Monitoring,» a spokesman said.

Lucy Adams, the BBC’s business operations director, said in an e-mail to staff that around 14% of those who had been due on duty had decided not to work, and six out of seven staff were working normally.

She said: «The NUJ are still asking us to agree to a policy of no compulsory redundancies – which we are simply unable to do. There is no business of our size that could commit to this policy, especially when central government funding is withdrawn.

«We are committed to maintaining an ongoing dialogue with the NUJ and are always open to using the service of Acas. However, in these circumstances, a meeting with Acas would still not allow us to find around 100 staff new jobs.»


15 julio, 2011

Dead Zone Size Predicted to be Between 22,253 and 26,515 Square Kilometer
21 June 2011
The record-breaking flood of 2011 will likely cause another record-breaking event: the largest Dead Zone ever recorded.  Dr. Nancy Rabalais, along with collegues that include her husband, LSU’s Dr. Gene Turner, predict that the increased influx of nutrients carried by the Mississippi River flood waters will cause the zone of hypoxia (low-to-no oxygen), aptly nicknamed the «Dead Zone», to become largest it has ever been.  The largest Dead Zone ever recorded was in 2002, at about 8,400 square miles.  Rabalais estimates the area to be between 100 and 1,000 square miles larger this summer.

Rabalais makes this prediction with a few cafeats, as factors such as strong weather events and river flow volume impact disolved oxygen levels in the water.

Rabalais’ annual Dead Zone mapping cruise begins July 25, where the researchers will spend two weeks aboard the R/V Pelican visiting 80 (?) stations along the Louisiana and Texas coasts to determine the size of the area of low oxygen.

To read the full report, click here:

To learn more about Gulf Hypoxia, visit

What is hypoxia?

Hypoxia, or oxygen depletion, is an environmental phenomenon where the concentration of dissolved oxygen in the water column decreases to a level that can no longer support living aquatic organisms.

Hypoxia in the northern Gulf of Mexico is defined as a concentration of dissolved oxygen less than 2 mg/L (2 ppm). This figure is based on observational data that fish and shrimp species normally present on the sea floor are not captured in bottom-dragging trawls at oxygen levels < 2mg/L. In other oceans of the world, the upper limit for hypoxia may be as high as 3-5 mg/L.

Hypoxia occurs naturally in many of the world’s marine environments, such as fjords, deep basins, open ocean oxygen minimum zones, and oxygen minimum zones associated with western boundary upwelling systems. Hypoxic and anoxic (no oxygen) waters have existed throughout geologic time, but their occurrence in shallow coastal and estuarine areas appears to be increasing as a result of human activities (Diaz and Rosenberg, 1995). The largest hypoxic zone currently affecting the United States, and the second largest hypoxic zone worldwide, occurs in the northern Gulf of Mexico adjacent to the Mississippi River on the Louisiana/Texas continental shelf. The maximum areal extent of this hypoxic zone was measured at 22,000 km2 during the summer of 2002; this is approximately the same size as the state of Massachusetts.

The average size of the hypoxic zone in the northern Gulf of Mexico over the past five years (2004-2008) is about 17,000 km2, the size of Lake Ontario. For comparison, the entire surface area of the Chesapeake Bay and its major tributaries measures about 11,000 km2.

Hypoxia, a worldwide problem:Areas of Anthropogenically-Influenced Estuarine and Coastal Hypoxia Worldwide

What causes hypoxia?

Major events leading to the formation of hypoxia in the Gulf of Mexico include:

  1. Freshwater discharge and nutrient loading of the Mississippi River
  2. Nutrient-enhanced primary production, or eutrophication
  3. Decomposition of biomass by bacteria on the ocean floor
  4. Depletion of oxygen due to stratification
  • Flash animation depicting this process

The Mississippi River basin drains approximately 41% of the land area of the conterminous United States, ranging as far west as Idaho, north to Canada, and east to Massachusetts.

The Mississippi River Basin:The Mississippi River Basin is divided into six sub-basins outlined in color here.

The Mississippi River system is the dominant source of freshwater and nutrients to the northern Gulf of Mexico. The discharge of the Mississippi River system is controlled so that 30% flows seaward through the Atchafalaya River delta and 70% flows through the Mississippi River birdfoot delta. About 53% of the Mississippi River delta discharge flows westward onto the Louisiana shelf.

Mississippi River nutrient concentrations and loading to the adjacent continental shelf have greatly changed in the last half of the 20th century. During this time there has been a marked increase in the concentration of nitrogen and phosphorous in the Lower Mississippi River. This increase has been attributed to the increased use of nitrogen and phosphorous fertilizers, nitrogen fixation by leguminous crops, and atmospheric deposition of oxidized nitrogen from the combustion of fossil fuels. Nitrogen and phosphorous occur in four inorganic forms in the river: nitrate (NO3-), nitrite (NO2-), ammonium (NH4+), and orthophosphate (PO4-3). Many of these nutrients enter the river from non-point sources like runoff, which are much more difficult and complex to control and monitor than point sources of pollution.

Eutrophication follows when ocean systems are over enriched with nutrients beyond natural levels, causing significant increases in primary production, or growth of algae in marine systems. In the same way that nitrogen and phosphorous fertilize human crops, they also fertilize plants in the ocean. The spring delivery of nutrients initiates a seasonal progression of biological processes that ultimately leads to the depletion of oxygen in the bottom water.

In the northern Gulf of Mexico, eutrophication initiates a massive growth of phytoplankton on the water’s surface. The size of this plankton population is well beyond the natural capacity of predators or consumers to graze it down to a balanced level. Phytoplankton have a relatively short life span, and after dying sink down to the bottom waters where they await decomposition by bacteria.

During this time of year, the water column is also stratified, meaning that environmental factors like temperature and salinity are not uniform from top to bottom. Freshwater flowing from the river, and seasonally warmed surface water, has low density and forms a layer above the saltier, cooler and more dense water masses near the bottom. This stratification leaves the bottom layer isolated from the surface layer and cut off from a normal resupply of oxygen from the atmosphere.

Nutrient-based Hypoxia Formation:1) Nutrient-rich water flows in, 2) Algae grow, feed, and die, 3) Zooplankton eat the algae, 4) Bacteria feed on fecal pellets and dead algae, 5) Bacteria deplete the water of oxygen, 6) Marine life flees or dies

As bacteria on the ocean floor decompose the abundant carbon in the phytoplankton that sinks down, oxygen is consumed. Because of water column stratification, oxygen consumption rates at the bottom of the ocean easily exceed those of resupply and the result is hypoxia, or low dissolved oxygen. Organisms capable of swimming (i.e. fish, shrimp, and crabs) evacuate the area, but less motile fauna experience stress or die as a result of low oxygen. Hypoxia has the potential to damage important commercial fisheries in the Gulf of Mexico over the long term as food webs become disrupted and organisms at all trophic levels are impacted.

Hypoxia can persist several months until there is strong mixing of the ocean waters, which can come from a hurricane or cold fronts in the fall and winter.

History of hypoxia research in the northern Gulf of Mexico

Hypoxia was first documented in the northern Gulf of Mexico off the Louisiana coast in 1972. Sporadic occurrences were observed in subsequent years. In 1975 and 1976, two cruises were conducted specifically to map a suspected area of low oxygen along the Louisiana coast. These maps indicated small, disjunct areas of hypoxia. With an increase in oceanographic research in the Gulf of Mexico, more reports of hypoxia emerged. The first concerted, continuous, and consistent documentation of the temporal and spatial extent of hypoxia on the Louisiana and Texas continental shelf began in 1985 with funding from the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration, National Ocean Service. Dr. Don Boesch, then Director of Louisiana Universities Marine Consortium (LUMCON), initiated the study, which was led by Dr. Nancy N. Rabalais of LUMCON and Drs. R. Eugene Turner and William J. Wiseman, Jr. of Louisiana State University.

Over the next 25 years, the research team expanded their studies, included more components and collaborators, and began unraveling the dynamics of hypoxia in this river-dominated coastal ecosystem. For more information, and to read about current research efforts, please visit the Research and Resources sections of our website.

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Gulf of Mexico:Record-Size Zone Predicted.

15 julio, 2011

The majority of land in the Mississippi’s watershed is farm land (in green). Each spring, as farmers fertilize their land in preparation for crop season, rain washes fertilizer off the land and into streams, rivers, and then the Gulf of Mexico. This leads to a Dead Zone in the Gulf. 

The so-called dead zone in the Gulf of Mexico — a region of oxygen-depleted water off the Louisiana and Texas coasts that is harmful to sea life — is predicted to be the largest ever recorded when it develops later this summer, scientists report.

The unusually large size of the zone is due to the extreme flooding of the Mississippi River this spring, which equaled or surpassed the historic floods of 1927 and 1937, according to the National Weather Service.

The dead zone occurs at the bottom of the Gulf when there is not enough oxygen in the water to support marine life. Also known as hypoxia, it is created by nutrient runoff, mostly from over-application of fertilizer on agricultural fields.

According to the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA), which oversees the dead zone research, 41% of the contiguous USA drains into the Mississippi River and then out to the Gulf of Mexico. The majority of the land in the Mississippi’s watershed is farmland.

Excess nutrients such as nitrogen can spur the growth of algae, and when the algae die, their decay consumes oxygen faster than it can be brought down from the surface, NOAA says. As a result, fish, shrimp and crabs can suffocate.

The entire depth of the Gulf is not a dead zone, only the bottom two meters, says Steve DiMarco, an associate professor of oceanography at Texas A&M.

What happens to the sea life in that dead zone? Don Scavia, a professor of natural resources at the University of Michigan, says that most anything that can swim away leaves, but that anything that can’t leave, such as the bottom-dwelling bugs that fish and shrimp feed on, will die.

«The dead zone is an annual event,» he says. The problem repairs itself by fall but, meanwhile, affects commercial fisheries.

In a typical year, Scavia says the dead zone extends from the Mississippi Delta to the Texas-Louisiana border. This one will likely extend farther to the west than those in previous years, he reports.

Scientists say the area could measure between 8,500 and 9,421 square miles, or an area about the size of New Hampshire. If it does reach those that size, it will be the largest since mapping of the Gulf dead zone began in 1985.

Eugene Turner, a professor of oceanography and coastal sciences at Louisiana State University, says the dead zone tends to peak in July, when winds and waves are quite low in the Gulf.

The dead zone has been identified each year since 1985, although the problem seems to have started in the late 1950s, adds DiMarco.

It usually fades away in September and October as waves and winds increase, Turner says.


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Record-Size Dead Zone Predicted
By Eileen Fleming
15 June 2011
 (WWNO) – Professor Nancy Rabalais of the Louisiana Universities Marine Consortium says two factors are combining to form a dead zone predicted to be the size of Delaware and New Jersey. That’s more than 9400 miles covered on the bottom of the Continental shelf.

«The fresh water is an issue because it creates the physical structure that the hypoxia can develop in, but the main culprit, because if you don’t have the nutrients producing too much phytoplankton you’re not going to have hypoxia – so the main culprit is the nitrogen.»

That nitrogen is coming from fertilizer used agricultural areas along the upper Mississippi now heading toward the Gulf. It’s accumulating to levels that suck the life-sustaining oxygen from the water.

«Over the years there’s been more cropland and more fertilizer to fuel biofuels, basically. And so the amount of nitrogen per amount of water that’s been coming out of the river has gone up and up and up.»

Rabalais says she’ll be cruising the Gulf next month with other scientists gathering readings that will be used to map what develops.
For WWNO, I’m Eileen Fleming
© Copyright 2011, WWNO

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Empresa cubana confirma contaminacion al este de Holguin.

15 julio, 2011

Confirma CITMA contaminación al este de Holguín

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José Alejandro RodríguezJosé Alejandro Rodrí
14 de Julio del 2011 21:43:54 CDT

La alarma la dio el pasado 1ro. de abril la lectora Julia Ricardo: al este de la ciudad de Holguín, varias industrias y otros centros vierten sus residuales y aguas sucias a una conductora principal que pide a gritos atención y mantenimiento. A solo dos kilómetros de esas fábricas, dicha tubería está rota y tupida, y vierte todo ese detritus al río, contamina los pozos y el manto freático.

Al respecto, responde Israel Mayo, delegado del Ministerio de Ciencia, Tecnología y Medio Ambiente (CITMA) en la provincia de Holguín, que en varias ocasiones inspectores de esa institución han realizado visitas a las márgenes del río mencionado. En la última, de conjunto con la Delegación Provincial de Recursos Hidráulicos, el 11 de marzo pasado, constataron que la contaminación de las aguas es causada fundamentalmente por obstrucciones en la tubería colectora (CP 5) del Combinado Lácteo, del colector (CP 2) de la Base del CIMEX; y por indisciplinas sociales, lo que provocó la muerte de varias especies de animales.

Al colector del alcantarillado municipal, CP 5, vierten el Combinado Lácteo, la base de Frutas Selectas, la Unidad Empresarial de Base (UEB) de Hidrología, la Facultad de Humanidades de la Universidad de Holguín, el Hospital Clínico Quirúrgico, el Instituto Preuniversitario Vocacional de Ciencias Exactas y la Escuela de Instructores de Arte, entre otros.

Al considerable número de entidades que se conectan al colector CP 5, se añaden los años de explotación, el incremento de la producción en las industrias y la falta de mantenimiento; todo lo cual provoca obstrucciones.

El mayor problema es el Combinado Lácteo, que dispone sus residuales, aguas oleosas, procedentes de salideros y escapes, por canales abiertos, fundamentalmente a una cañada que se comunica con el río. Dichos residuales son de alta demanda biológica de oxígeno. Y en su vertimiento se incumple con la Norma Cubana 27 «Disposición de las aguas residuales al alcantarillado y las aguas superficiales».

Detectaron también en visitas anteriores que por mal manejo o falta de mantenimiento al tanque séptico de la Base de CIMEX, se producen vertimientos al río. Similar situación tienen la Escuela de Instructores de Arte y el Instituto Preuniversitario Vocacional de Ciencias Exactas, cuyos sistemas albañales están en grave estado y los residuales se depositan debajo de los pisos. Parte de estos corren hacia una zanja y de esta al río.

Precisa que lo ya expresado, y el hecho de que en la zona no exista alcantarillado (solamente el 17 por ciento del área total cuenta con él), incide en que las aguas subterráneas aledañas a las márgenes del río estén contaminadas, situación que se agrava aún más en época de lluvias, con el desbordamiento de fosas y letrinas. La mayor parte de estas últimas no cumplen con los requerimientos técnico-constructivos.

Como resultado de las cuatro verificaciones realizadas por el Grupo de Inspección del CITMA, se notificaron, a las administraciones de los centros inspeccionados, las medidas que deben de cumplir, las cuales se relacionan a continuación:

La fábrica de refrescos, el IPVCE, la Base CIMEX y la UEB Hidrología tienen que garantizar el adecuado funcionamiento de sus sistemas internos de residuales. El Combinado Lácteo debe eliminar la disposición de residuales al exterior y construir la planta de tratamiento (esta entidad ha solicitado el presupuesto para la inversión y aún no ha sido aprobado por su organismo superior). La UEB de Saneamiento debe establecer un sistema que proteja los colectores de los actos de vandalismo. La Dirección Provincial de Recursos Hidráulicos debe buscar solución para que las aguas de riego puedan analizarse a la entrada de las casas de cultivos y recibir algún tratamiento en caso necesario.

Dichas medidas, asegura, han sido cumplidas y controladas en el presente año, y solo falta por implementar la de Recursos Hidráulicos. La situación general fue evaluada en la reunión provincial sobre la situación higiénico ambiental en la provincia. Allí se acordó que, a partir de la responsabilidad de la Delegación del INRH en este problema, rinda cuentas sobre las acciones de mitigación adoptadas para revertir la contaminación.

Afirma Mayo que se mantendrá el seguimiento a ese problema ambiental por las autoridades competentes.



fernando lopez– 15 de Julio del 2011 3:28:17 CDT

Si no hay una denuncia del hecho (de los hechos) no estoy muy convencido de que al conocimiento publico llegase esta agresion al medio ambiente. Varias visitas de inspectores a los lugares, pero deberia haberse senalado a partir de que momento. Es evidente que somo siguaralleros…Cada cual haciendo por su lado lo que estima, sin tener en cuenta ni la salud, ni el futuro de otros que llegaran despues de nosotros. Yo creo que el CITMA ha cumplido bien poco sus funciones alli y en otros lugares de la isla y sus adayacentes. No quiero y tampoco es para nada de mi agrado llevar la critica a «planos estelares», pero como casi nadie en nustro pais explica nada, estoy, supongo, en mi derecho de cuestionarme el verdadero papel de esta institucion. Hace tiempo denuncio, similares conductas de empresas productoras y de salud publica en algunas zonas de Pinar del Rio que suelo visitar, no hablare mas de lo mismo, porque creo que alli finalmente alguien – creo haberlo leido en El Guerrillero, ha comenzado a preocuparse por los vertimentos en el Rio Guama- que no es este solo lugar, quede claro. No se adonde iran a parar residuales de otras plantas productivas, ni si se hace los adecuados tratamientos etc. – Por ejemplo fabricas de gomas, baterias (lease pilas incluida), la Industria Electronica, Labiofam, otros centros de investigacion que se encuentran digamos en areas cercanas al Rio Kibu. Fabricantes privados de baterias, mecanicos privados y otras Empresas del Estado. Pienso que hay mucho trecho por andar, muchisimo y lo que si me parece es hora de que el organismo encargado de estos controles se preocupe un poco mas por estas situaciones que comprometen hasta el futuro de generaciones de cubanos. El caso de Holguin para nada es aislado y yo considero que deberia hacerse un levantamiento total en el pais, porque ahi tambien esta el futuro. Gracias.

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    pepe– 15 de Julio del 2011 3:38:03 CDTSería interesante saber la opinion del CITMA sobre la contaminación en otro punto cardinal de la provincia de Holguín, se trata del municipio de Moa, donde radican las fábricas productoras de níquel. Allí se contamina todo: la atmósfera, el suelo y las aguas.

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    toyo55– 15 de Julio del 2011 5:44:30 CDTPalabras,palabras,palabras..La burocracia me hace recordar aquella popular cancion de Mina.Si se fija,periodista,solo UD y algun que otro articulo trata de los serios problemas del pais,la mayoria son noticias y articulo en el mismo tono triunfalista de siempre.El primeer y necesrio paso para corregir un problema es denunciarlo y al parcer UD esta casi solo en esa batalla.

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    Alexander G– 15 de Julio del 2011 7:13:31 CDTEs posible que estos problemas pasen por disponibilidad y buen manejo de los recursos, pero me pregunto tuvo que ser la denuncia de una lectora lo que ha provocado su divulgación?. Esto se merece unos de los buenos reportajes para la televisión cubana, creo que el CITMA, debe tener mas autoridad y rigor en hacer cumplir las leyes de nuestro país, todas las entidades involucradas, sus ministerios, corporaciones, MinInt,en especial el Gobierno Provincial, deben aunar esfuerzos para que este problema no tenga una mayor envergadura para el ecosistema y por supuesto el hombre que tambien forma parte del mismo. No son sufientes la multas que ahora pudieran ponerles a los responsables sino hay una voluntad política que resuelva de una vez y por toda esta grave contaminación al medio ambiente

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    Hendris Manuel Albor Arzuaga– 15 de Julio del 2011 7:44:21 CDTBuenos días José Alejandro, algo nuevo y bueno para variar. Me quito el sombrero ante Israel Mayo y lejos de andar buscándole manchas al sol en este caso, me inclino por agradecer su luz; esa luz que al amanecer buscamos cada día pero que en la mayoría de las veces llegamos a la casa por las tardes con una total nebulosa en nuestros corazones. Anoche mismo le comentaba a mi esposa sobre eso, y después de un enorme suspiro nos acostamos con la duda de si por fin nuestros reclamos serán escuchados. Una vez más gracias a Israel y gracias a ti Pepe, por crear este espacio que para mi es como un hueco en lo profundo de un bosque donde puedo meter la cabeza y gritar: AAAAAHHHHHHH!!! para desahogarme y sacudirme de tantas y tantas barbaridades. Buenos días.

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    delgado– 15 de Julio del 2011 8:05:20 CDTNo entiendo. Como puede ser que La «alarma se dio en abril» y en la respuesta del CITMA se enuencian un grupo de medidas y aseguran que han sido cumplidas y controladas en el presente año. Debio redactarse «seran cumplidas y controladas etc». La labor del CITMA es de titanes, pues aunque conocen perfectamente los problemas existentes NO pueden Actuar con toda la energía que ello demanda, por ejemplo: ¿si la Industria Láctea no cumple con las medidas, la van a cerrar?, pues no pueden hacerlo porque su producción tal vez no pueda ser sustituida, y por otra parte esa misma Industria Lactea no cuenta con los recursos necesarios ni con el financiamiento para ejecutar las reparaciones capitales é inversiones para resolver el problema. Pero ademas que se haria con los albañales de la población, si sabemos que no hay posibilidades reales para construir un sistema de alcantarillado, entonces que se puede hacer. Por eso es que expreso mi opinión de que es muy compleja la situación del CITMA y del país para enfrentar ese importante asunto. Pienso que es correcto al menos identificar los problemas, hacer los estudios necesarios para resolverlos y en la medida de lo posible ejecutar, pero si esta claro de que tienen que continuar con la «presión» permanente de los Inspectores y hacer auditorias ambientales. Por otra parte mi parecer es que las inversiones en materia de preservación del medio ambiente deberían tener un mayor apoyo y prioridad estatal, pienso que debian ser Nominalizadas y particularizadas y que el financiamiento se otorgara No mediante créditos bancarios solicitados por la Empresa, sino centralizadamente a partir de los fondos estatales. Muchas gracias por publicar mi opinión, pero no lo hago para ver mi nombre en el periodico, sino para aportar al menos un granito de arena que pueda ayudar a preservar el medio ambiente y cumplir con los acuerdos internacionales y protocolos que mi país ha firmado y que sería vergonzozo de que hablemos tanto sobre ellos y en la práctica no lo estamos cumpliendo.

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    jmjp– 15 de Julio del 2011 8:12:31 CDTuna vez más se pone de manifiesto que son las entidades estatales las principales destructora del medio ambiente.¿ que hay con las leyes que rigen en el país, para la regulacion del CITMA? ¿ que pasa con los infractores? estoy seguro que si fuera un ciudadano comun de esos de a pie no le faltaban 500.00 cup de multa y el termino de 72 horas para que resolviera el problema.

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    A100ºC– 15 de Julio del 2011 8:42:52 CDTtoyo55(3) … así mismo es, Don Pepe es el único periodista dedicado a tiempo completo a nuestros problemas, la mayoría dedican su tiempo en noticias bien apartadas de la proncipal tarea que hay en nuestr país, reordenar, implantar y solucionar tantas y tantas barbaridades que venimos arrastrando durante décadas … se hablan de guerras aquí, de guerras allá, de la nube informática, de los cambios de gobiernos aquí o allá … ¿quién no condena esas guerras?, no hay que estar leyendo cada día estas noticias para comprender sus causas y efectos … lo que estamos afrontando en nuestra Patria es el verdadero combate al que deberíamos estar sumados todos, las deficiencias y logros es lo que deberíamos estar leyendo día por día, apoyar la actividad que con tanto esmero y seriedad a venido desarrollando Don Pepe … OJALÁ se le sumen muchos más periodistas a caerle arriba a toda es malversación, indolencia, burocracia, despilfarro, paternalismo al que todo cubano digno se esfuerza por erradicar.

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    panchito– 15 de Julio del 2011 8:47:35 CDTJose A.: si ese fuera el problema no sería más grave. En Holguín la contaminación es mayor y menos mal que no producimos sustancias tóxicas ni construimos maquinarias como en otros países. Por cierto en la respuesta de las cusas del CITMA aparece esta»…el incremento de la producción en las industrias…», eso es un eufemismo.

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    Hendris Manuel Albor Arzuaga– 15 de Julio del 2011 9:00:54 CDTDespués de leer las opiniones de los amigos aquí, me sacudo del sueño y agradezco una vez más a José Alejandro por la presencia de esta columna. Estuve leyendo en la portada de hoy sobre el control interno además del reportaje de ayer en la TV y creo que siguen siendo superficiales los controles, la prensa y la TV no están poniendo al descubierto para nada la realidad de la Empresa cubana de hoy. ¿Qué es eso de Controles, Contralorías y Auditorías con previo aviso? Estuve analizando a fondo el comentario de hoy (el de Pepe) y sobran comentarios a partir de: «…como resultado de las cuatro verificaciones…» !!CUATRO!! Sigo insistiendo en la publicación impresa de los comentarios nuestros en esta columna y en la necesidad además de utilizar la mayoría de las Mesas Redondas en analizar principalmente nuestros propios problemas que bastante tenemos.

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    Hendris Manuel Albor Arzuaga– 15 de Julio del 2011 9:45:41 CDT¿Leyeron «Dónde está el fondo» de Luís Sexto? Candela también, parece que el amigo Pepe no está solo, además de que nos tiene a nosotros claro.

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    Modesto Reyes Canto– 15 de Julio del 2011 9:54:05 CDTEs muy cierto,como dicen que aqui opinan,que toda la prensa debe volcarse a estos problemas nacionales y olvidarse de tantas guerras.A veces este mismo periodico parece que le va a explotar a uno en la mano pues muchas de las cosas que se publican tienen como tinta la polvora.Y usted tranquilo,amigo Pepe,que va muy bien.Saludos:Modesto Reyes Canto.

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    Aldo Luis Sánchez Fuentes– 15 de Julio del 2011 11:26:32 CDTDe nuevo Pepe, qué hace el gobierno municipal y provincial?, la respuesta es nada y el por qué? es porque nada gobiernan, saludos

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    A100ºC– 15 de Julio del 2011 11:39:00 CDTHendris Manuel Albor Arzuaga, si lo he leído y emití mi opinión, aún así, los artículos de Luis Sexto aunque profundos y envueltos en nuestros problemas son esporádicos, la cotidaniedad de Don Pepe, esa es la que hace falta por parte de todos.

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    Hendris Manuel Albor Arzuaga– 15 de Julio del 2011 11:51:37 CDTA 100 ºC: Tienes toda la razón y claro está que mientras no seamos capaces de sacarnos la viga de nuestro ojo, no tenemos el derecho de estar criticando la paja del otro. Creo que debemos comenzar desde adentro hacia afuera, actualizándonos, claro está, de lo que sucede en el resto del mundo, pero no dedicando horas de nuestro preciado tiempo a analizar los conflictos externos. Como dijera Raúl: «Esta es nuestra última oportunidad» y luego Eusebio Leal: «creo que nuestro deber más profundo y más grande es hacer el último esfuerzo para que nuestro tiempo no se pierda»

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    Miguel Ortega– 15 de Julio del 2011 11:54:57 CDTMe sumo a los «foristas» que plantean la enorme cobertura que se da a los acontecimiento internacionales, criticamos todo lo que ocurre en el exterior, apotecnizamos a gtodo el mundo, si la crisis en Grecia, los ataques mercenarios de la OTAN a Libia y la poca atencion de nuestra prensa a temas como los que se debaten en esta seccion. Por lo general, a pesar de las criticas de nuestro Presidente, sigue siendo apologetica y encubridora de las barbaridades que cometen nuestras empresas estatales «socialistas», contra el medio ambiente como lo aqui planteado, contra los «usuarios» en toda la cadena de comercio y gastronomia, en los mercaditos y mercadotes, en el transporte, etc., etc., etc.,no alcanzan los etc. para enumerar todo ello y…el gran problema es que seguimos con la misma tonica y no pasa nada, el secretismo criticado por el cro Raul, la «tapadera» porque eso «pudiera lacerar el prestigio ¿? de los criticados», en fin, toda una sarta de estupideces como si los cubanos fueramos analfabetos politicos o enemigos ocultos y solapados de la REVOLUCION..¿ no se acaban de dar cuenta de que eso, en lugar de ayudar perjudica la revolucion?, nada JA que yo confio tanto en esta Revolucion que Fidel dijo que era mas grande que nosostros mismos y, ¡¡¡ valga eso !!!que no pierdo las esperanzas de ver saltar en pedazos a esos cultores del «apapibismo» (de apapipio, palabra muy campesina y cubana, se dice del guataca incondicional)que envenenan nuestro sentidos

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    Miguel Ortega– 15 de Julio del 2011 12:30:00 CDTMi querido JA….¿esto no es mas de lo mismo?, ¿no son todos ellos «representantes» del Socialismo nuestro?, ¿ no militan en mi mismo partido?, entonces…¿que hacer con todos ellos?, claro, problemas con los recursos, no hay recursos, el presupuesto no se aprueba, de arriba no baja lo que tiene que bajar….entonces…¿no seria aconsejable comenzar a «sacudir la mata» desde arriba? y continuar con los de abajo que no han tenido la iniciativa de pulsar soluciones a nivel de comunidad afectada, a lo mejor lo que hace falta, si no todo son picos, palas y voluntad revolucionaria… no les parece adecuado mi comentario….no lo publiquen

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    G.Méndez– 15 de Julio del 2011 13:02:14 CDTEfectivamente, la crítica constante es lo más efectivo. Hay algo que debemos estar concientes: cada cual tiene que saber lo que tiene que hacer y no estárselo recordando a cada paso. Y en realidad una crítica que no encuentre un oído receptivo, son palabras al viento y llega el momento en que el criticado pierde la vergüenza y surge el agotamiento y el desinterés por parte de la sociedad. Algo que preocupa es que se estén haciendo censuras a las opiniones de los compañeros. Tenemos que empezar por nosotros mismos. Cuando se emite una opinión después de tantos mal entendidos durante años, y que nos vamos liberando poco a poco de atavismos que no han dado ningún buen resultado, hay que respetar las opiniones de cada cual siempre y cuando sea respetuosa y no mal intencionada. Un ejemplo, tal vez equivocado, sea el deporte: si hubiéramos sido triunfalistas en éste y no reconocer nuestros errores y las virtudes de ´´otros ´´ nunca hubiéramos llegado a donde estamos. En cuanto al descuido al medio ambiente, muchos somos los responsables por una parte y por la otra, me parece que no se pueden exigir en este momento soluciones mágicas. Aunque ,como ya dije, hay que respetar el criterio de cada cual. G. Méndez

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    A100ºC– 15 de Julio del 2011 13:51:37 CDTHe sido quizás mal educado, duro, atrevido cuando he visto artículos en este periódico publicados por periodistas que no salen del ámbito internacional, al extremo, de pedirles que se dediquen a otras cosas si su pluma no apunta a nustros problemas nacionales (y por supuesto no han publicado mi comentario) … los periodistas, como los medios televisivos tienen más trabajo que el que imaginan, ¿se imaginan un equipo televisivo ¨metido¨ en cualquier institución de viviendas, en centros gastronómicos, recreativos, en las calles, entrevistando a esos dirigentes improvisados, en fin, recogiendo e informando todas las barbaridades a las que queremos combatir los cubanos dignos y orgullosos de nuestra Patria? … pues un periodista, excluyendo la filmación, puede hacer lo mismo, la prensa en cualquier parte es temida por ¨quien la debe¨ y recibida con júbilo por quien todo lo está dando a favor de un proceso de cambios de un ahora o nunca … trágico para un periodista sería haber pasado una vida intentando hacer lo que debería y no haciendo lo que se debe. Son momentos de valorar lo que tenemos y no lo que perdimos, por eso debemos todos insistir en este apoyo y facilidad que nos brindan para ayudar modestamente desde nuestras humildes pero sinceras opiniones a NUESTRO PROCESO DE CAMBIOS … si el mundo no quiere cambiar ¿qué podemos hacer por el mundo?

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    Castillo– 15 de Julio del 2011 14:40:14 CDTSi alguien conoce de algun rio que pase cerca de alguna poblacion o industria y no este contaminado, favor comunicarlo. aqui en Sancti Spiritus el Yayabo en seca tiene mas del 50% de aguas albañales.

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    Gualterio Nunez Estrada– 15 de Julio del 2011 14:44:07 CDT

    Analizando este articulo y los comentarios de los lectores o quejas, lo que se evidencia en nuestra burocracia, no es falta de gestion, ni siquiera falta de recursos, sino ignorancia, desgraciadamente durante anos en Geografia de primaria y en secundaria el MINED no desarrollo la metodologia mas adecuada para educar sobre la relacion que existe entre el clima,la lluvia, la meteorlogia y la destruccion de los nichos biologicos por las industria, las carreteras y las construcciones en tierra y al pie del mar o en la costa, la proteccion del sistema mar-costa-tierra, el valor de los rios y los mantos freaticos,el valor del PH en el agua de mar y de rio, y ni siquiera, se desarrollo en nuestras escuelas la ensenanza de los sistemas marinos de costa, hierbas marinas, corales, especies, tan fundamentales en Cuba, una isla alargada y estrecha, y los regimenes de nubes que nos son pecualiares,salimos, incluyendo a mi, practicamente analfabetos sobre el ecosistema cubano de las aulas en cuanto a estos temas, algo que esta demostrado por los hechos dignos de la Insula Barataria que aqui se narran y que son errores garrafales con respecto a lo indicado por las ciencias biologicas y atmosfericas hace mas de cincuenta anos. Digo esto, porque por lo que aqui se ve en este trabajo estamos contribuyendo inconcientemente, por ser ignorantes todos,y me incluyo, que conste, no por maldad, a agudizar el cambio climatico provocado negligentemente por los paises ricos y que es alarmante, segun los ultimos reportes de NOAA(1) hace pocas horas sobre las zonas muertas del Golfo de Mexico colindantes con los estados norteamericanos,estas zonas muertas se producen por falta de oxigeno en el agua que mata toda la vida de la cual dependen la industria pesquera, se estan emitiendo numeroros partes cientificos en estos momentos debido al alarmante incremento de esta zona de muerte y he aqui uno de ellos, por la alarma creada,y que traduje al ingles con Google especialmente para este comentario, proviene de una cientifico norteamericana patrocinada por NOAA(1) que es el organismo estatal de Estados Unidos de America que se encarga de los asuntos oceanicos y atmosfericos:Atencion Redaccion:Es noticia actualizada»Tamaño del Registro de zona muerta previsible.(Golfo de Mexico) Por Eileen Fleming 15 de junio 2011 NUEVA ORLEANS, LA. (WWNO) – Profesora Nancy Rabalais de las Universidades de Louisiana (Consorcio Marino) dice que dos factores se combinan para formar una zona muerta prevé que sea del tamaño de Delaware y Nueva Jersey. Eso es más de 9400 millas cubiertas en la parte inferior de la plataforma continental. «El agua dulce es un problema, ya que crea la estructura física que la hipoxia(falta de oxigeno, nota del traductor) puede desarrollar, pero el principal culpable, porque si usted no tiene los nutrientes productores de fitoplancton, pese a todo, no vamos a tener la hipoxia – por lo que el principal culpable es el nitrógeno «. Que el nitrógeno proviene de los fertilizantes utilizados en áreas agrícolas a lo largo de la parte superior del Mississippi y que ahora se dirigen(el nitrogeno y nutrientes nota del trad.) hacia el Golfo. Es la acumulación de estos niveles de nitrogeno los que absorben el oxígeno que se necesita para mantener la vida en el agua. «Con los años ha habido más tierra y más fertilizantes, basicamente,debido a la produccion(y demanda, nota del trad) de biocombustibles como fuente de energia, y este es el problema en el fondo.(Algo de lo cual ya habia alertado Fidel hace anos sobre el problema del biocombustible, que ahora la cientifica anota como problema de fondo del agrandamiento alarmante de la zona muerta del Golfo de Mejico y sus derivados. Nota del trad.) Y lo que ocurre-continua la cientifica-es que la cantidad de nitrógeno por la cantidad de agua que ha estado saliendo del río se ha ido para arriba y arriba y arriba.» Rabalais dice que va a viajar en un crucero cientifico en el Golfo el mes próximo con otros colegas para comparar las lecturas que se utilizan para asignar parametros al desarrollo de la investigacion Para WWNO, estoy Eileen Fleming © Copyright 2011, WWNO Escuche aquí: El apoyo a este sitio es proporcionado por la Administración Nacional Oceánica y Atmosférica del Centro de administración de patrocinados Coastal Ocean Program Investigación Oceánica Costera Contacte con nosotros: La alarma es generalizada y para los interesados se estan dando partes continuos sobre las zonas muertas del Golfo de Mejico en: Gulf hypoxia in the news(Golfo de Mejico) Listen Read phoneticallyNew! Click the words above to view alternate translations. Dismiss DictionaryGoogle Translate for my:SearchesVideosEmailPhoneChatBusinessAbout Google TranslateTurn off instant translationPrivacyHelp ©2011Business ToolsTranslator ToolkitAbout Google TranslateBlogPrivacyHelp►


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Santiago Express

El Correo del Oriente

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De Guantánamo al Mundo

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Desde Cuba te cuento

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Midia Anarcho

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Ashley's Boring Blog

Im a boring girl in a boring world with boring friends and a boring swirl

Global Dine In

Global dishes in your home kitchen

Cooking Without Limits

Food Photography & Recipes

Duende de Cuba

Un duende es pequeño, pero ve las cosas desde otra perspectiva...


Female power, work, sex, and whatnots

Wagnerdeoclecianoribeiro's HOMEA

Descrições pessoais de minhas reflexões e descobertas como médico homeopata e cirurgião pediatra depois de 30 anos de trabalho e mestre em gestão empresarial, como idealizador e gestor do IDESUFRAN ( incubadora comunitária e tecnológica de Franca, Estado de São Paulo e diretor presidente da Start up, HOMEA - Solução Aplicada em Agroecologia -

Santiago Express

El Correo del Oriente

Desde este lado de la Isla

De Guantánamo al Mundo

Porque en mi letra va lo que soy, que es también lo que digo

Desde Cuba te cuento

Un blog para exponer mis ideas…ser cubana es un reto que vivo a diario


Healthy mind in healthy body.

diary of ari

The natural habitat of a writer.

Jo's Book Blog

"Only in books do we learn what’s really going on." Kurt Vonnegut

Tsalis Group

Empowered For The Ummah


'De best geïnformeerde webpagina voor politieke en maatschappelijke ontwikkelingen op Cuba’ (citaat uit dagblad Trouw).

Midia Anarcho

Liberdade de expressão sem manipulação de informação.